This membership is for those living in Dunedin and wishing to purchase a membership for the following benefits:
Newsletter filled with tips and insights on raising multiples
Equipment for hire and books for loan
Access to support from a buddy and the Multiples Otago committee
Free or subsidised entry to club events to get you out and about (with and without your kids)
Free playgroups (if available in your area)
Support during your pregnancy and after your babies arrive
Breastfeeding support (during pregnancy and after birth)
Access to discounts at local retailers and activities
Facebook community
Voting rights at our AGM and the opportunity to join our committee
As a Multiples NZ affiliated club you will have access to:
Members Only content on the Multiples NZ website
Online copies of the Multiples NZ quarterly magazine
National discounts at a wide range of retailers
One free jumbo box of Huggies nappies when your newborns arrive!
The membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June the following year.
Multiples Otago Premium Membership - Dunedin
As soon as you join, you will hear from us really soon. If you need us earlier, please dont hestiate to contact: Hannah: or Liz