About Multiples Otago
Who are we?
Multiples Otago is run by parents of multiples for parents of multiples. The Club was formed as the Otago Parents of Twins Club on the 15th of July 1972. The name was changed to the Otago Multiple Birth Club when the first family with triplets joined. In 2016 the name was changed to Multiples Otago to reflect that the club is more than an organisation focused on multiples births and we are here to support all families with multiples.
The club is based in Dunedin and covers the Otago District Health Board catchment area including: Dunedin, Wanaka, Balclutha and Oamaru. In Dunedin, we run events throughout the year including morning teas for new and expectant parents, playgroups, club events and social events. Our sub-branches also run local events for club members in their regions.
For New and Expectant Parents
When you join the club you will receive an Expectant's Pack
which includes information about:
Multiples Otago and what support we can provide
Multiples Otago equipment for hire and library books for loan
Multiples NZ Booklets on pregnancy, feeding and parenting
Multiples NZ Multiple Matters Magazine
Government subsidies for multiple families
Local support services

It can be overwhelming learning that you are pregnant with more than one baby. We understand this and are available to answer questions and provide support during your pregnancy and after your babies are born. We have a trained breastfeeding support counsellor, experience with neonatal journeys, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, combination feeding, lack of sleep and everything else that comes with parenting new born twins and triplets.
We hold a quarterly morning teas for new and expectant parents to give you an opportunity to meet with other parents (or expectant parents) at a similar stage to you. These morning teas are also attended by committee members so you have the opportunity to meet us.
Let us know when your babies are born and you will recieve a FREE jumbo box of Huggies nappies.
Multiples NZ
Multiples Otago is independently run but we are affiliated to Multiples NZ (www.multiples.org.nz), the body that represents 14 multiple birth clubs nationwide. Multiples NZ aims to address the diverse needs of families with multiples through networking, education, support and advocacy. Multiples NZ also has a Triplets Plus Club which provides additional support to families with triplets or more.